Thursday 20 October 2011

Preliminary Task

We have chosen to link our preliminary task to our final film opening as we think this is the best idea to enable our final opening to be the best possible it can be.

The short film will be of the babysitter first entering the house and speaking to the mother of the baby.

The script:
(Knocking sound on door. Door opened from the inside and the baby sitter walks though.)
Tracy: Come in, take a seat. The baby's upstairs asleep.
Dacry: Ah alright.
Tracy: All you need to do is check on her every hour. She should be fine otherwise. If she starts to cry then pick her up and give her the bottle that I've left in the fridge.
Darcy: Alright okay, sounds good to me.
(House phone rings)
Tracy: Excuse me, that's the phone, I'll be back in a minute.

The shots that we need to incorporate into our film are match on action shot, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.
How will we include match on action in our film?
The match on action shot will take place when the mum opens the door and the babysitter walks through into the house. The action from the previous frame will match the action in the following frame but from a different angle.
How will we include shot/reverse shot in our film?
The shot/reverse shot will take place when the mother and babysitter are exchanging the few lines of dialouge. The shot will cut from one character to the other to indicate that a conversation is occuring between the two of them.
How will we include the 180 degree rule in our film?
The 180 degree rule will be used in our film again whilst the mother and babysitter are having the conversation. The camera will be on the left behind both of the characters so that the person facing the camera will be on the left side of the screen.

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