Saturday 29 October 2011

Prelim filming

On the 28th of October myself, Hannah and Megan went to Megan's to film the prelim task and the opening cradle shot of our movie. However it didn't work out too well.
Whilst we were filming we encountered a few problems. These included; our friends who we had asked to act in the film being disruptive and we also found Megan's brother was too. In the background of a lot of the shots you can either hear or see them. Therefore when we next film we have decided to act in it ourselves to eliminate any distractions.
We managed to film these two shots quicker than anticipated so we then decided to move on to the next shot, however it was raining outside and this is where we needed to shoot so we decided against it.
When we got back to school and watched the footage through, we realised that the fact we had not used a tripod was obvious. The filming was shaky and did not look professional. We have taken this on board and next time we will use a tripod.

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